There are plenty of economy doom-mongers in the UK, but is it all true?

Season 2, Episode 55,   May 15, 2023, 11:00 AM

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Tony puts into plain english the current state of our economy, from a global perspective, and it isn't all that we are being told.

Why is it that the Treasury Mandarins, Civil Servants and the Bank of England play such a negative role in portraying a bleak state and using the IMF report, which slates the UK economy, as evidence when the private sector seem to be bucking the trend.

We have one of the best performing economies within the G7 nations and it has become quite evident that, as a nation, we have avoided a recession. That’s not to say that life isn’t quite difficult for many right now but all of us need hope for a better future. So why are the public sector bodies and even the media painting a bleak picture?

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