De laatste gans - wild goose chase mix

May 13, 2023, 06:55 AM

Episode image
"I chose my recording at random. Upon looking at the title, I imagined a quaint parade of geese, being marched around a town, as is the custom in the ‘ganzenfanfare’ seen in some Dutch and Belgian towns…. I couldn’t have been more wrong…

The goose here is suspended  upside down from a sort of gallows, with it’s neck well buttered, the  ‘ganzenrijden’ or goose riders are men on horseback who gallop past and underneath the unfortunate goose their aim is to pull the head off of the goose whilst on horseback. 

The King’s Parade is for the victorious ‘ganzenrijder’… the victor who manages to remove the goose’s head….

My track is a requiem for this goose. 

Track Method: 
First I processed the entire 19 minutes or so with Borderlands Granular; using several animated grain clouds to create a background texture that distilled the field recording and condensed the parade into around 7 minutes of audio.

Next I chose four short sections of the field recording that had some differences in tone and timbre.  One of these sections about a minute long, was stretched to sevenfold using PaulXStretch, this formed the background drone approximately seven minutes in length.  
Another two short sections were chosen to loop using Gauss Field Looper.  One looped at regular speed whilst the other was triggered and looped at different speeds and lower bit rates.
All these tracks/loops were then layered together recorded in one take with minor tweaks applied manually.  

Added compression/ EQ / minor spatial enhancement etc. 
Recorded on iPad Pro."

Goose running ceremony reimagined by id_23.