AN 5.231 - 5.240 A Resident Mendicant

Jun 09, 2023, 12:46 PM

5.231 Reasons a resident mendicant is admirable, and the reverse.
5.232 Reasons a resident mendicant is admirable, and the reverse.
5.233 Reasons a resident mendicant beautifies a monastery.
5.234 Reasons a resident mendicant helps a monastery.
5.235 How a mendicant shows compassion to lay folk.
5.236 Reasons a resident mendicant is cast down to hell or raised to heaven.
5.237 Reasons a resident mendicant is cast down to hell or raised to heaven.
5.238 Reasons a resident mendicant is cast down to hell or raised to heaven.
5.239 Reasons a resident mendicant is cast down to hell or raised to heaven.
5.240 Reasons a resident mendicant is cast down to hell or raised to heaven.