AN 5.221 - 5.230 Long Wandering

Jun 02, 2023, 12:43 PM

5.221 For five reasons, a mendicant should wander a reasonable amount, not aimlessly.
5.222 For five reasons, a mendicant should wander a reasonable amount, not aimlessly.
5.223 For five reasons, a mendicant should stay in a monastery a reasonable length of time, not excessively.
5.224 For five reasons, a mendicant should stay in a monastery a reasonable length of time, not excessively.
5.225 A mendicant who visits families risks the following five problems.
5.226 A mendicant who visits families risks the following five problems.
5.227 Five drawbacks of riches, and five benefits.
5.228 Five drawbacks for families who eat overly late, and five benefits of eating at a reasonable hour.
5.229 Five ways a woman is like a black snake.
5.230 Five ways a woman is like a black snake.