Riederwald, nightfall

May 03, 2023, 11:31 AM

Episode image
"I love field recordings of nature, and find birds especially beautiful and inspirational. Therefore I wanted to accentuate what I Iike about the forest - but also to use the elements to imagine a time-lapse during nightfall.

"My goal was to use solely musical elements I can extract from the recording with whatever method, but change the mixing between these elements to create a more variied picture of the idyllic moment captured with the recording - as kind of a a time-lapse recording.

"I started out with creating filtered versions of the recording containing each only a certain frequency band. Then I used tools to extract musical informations from this recordings These were then assigned to different instruments. No additional notes were added to be played by the instruments - but certain new notes are introduced by echoes and delays.

"In addition for two track playing nearly constant notes random pitches in a close range were created.

"In a third step I used PaulXStretch to manipulate the audio by stretching, FFT-filtering, adding harmonics, etc. Three versions of this process with different parameters were performed. Then I again extracted musical information from those and assigned them to instruments.

"The composition now consisted of 24 tracks created with the approach described so far.

"In the last step I determined the mixing between all these 24 tracks - the filtered original audios and all the derived versions. By fading in and out these different tracks and setting changing volumes different ambiances were created, with the aim to present the imagined time-lapse travel through the forest."

Swiss forest reimagined by RabMusicLab.