AN 5.171 - 5.180 A Lay Follower

Apr 30, 2023, 07:04 PM

5.171 Confidence or lack thereof in layfolk is due to their precepts.
5.172 Confidence or lack thereof in layfolk is due to their precepts.
5.173 Reasons one is cast down to hell or raised to heaven.
5.174 Breaking of precepts is a threat and a danger.
5.175 An outcaste is not born, but they make themselves an outcaste by their behavior.
5.176 The Buddha encourages Anāthapiṇḍika to not rest short with generosity, but to practice meditation too.
5.177 Five kinds of trade that are wrong livelihood.
5.178 Kings do not punish people for keeping precepts.
5.179 Qualities possessing which a lay person may claim to be a stream-enterer.
5.180 The Buddha tells of the layman Gavesī in the time of Buddha Kassapa, and how he went forth with all his followers.