QROT-107: WHAT is Congress WAITING On?

Apr 26, 2023, 11:02 AM

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Empires have toppled over less corruption. REPUBLICANS!! UPHOLD YOUR SACRED OATH. 
Literally a story was spiked because "independent experts" said there was nothing to it. When it turns out that literally none of them apparently did ANY actual research, or they'd have known first what eventually became evident - that the story was entirely true. 
But the new nugget is that the experts who applied no expertise were RECRUITED by the accused! 
When an election hung on the balance a TRUE story was spiked by experts paid by the accused candidate, who eventually attained the office. 

Note I didn't say "won" the election. Nothing in the realm of truth and reality could have gotten him there. But had this story got the traction it factually deserved, then The Big Steal would have been hard for even the most cowardly RINO to accept. 

We're a laughingstock. Waste our fortunes with shows of power and might around the globe, while there is a five-ring banana republic circus at home. 
(foreign leaders: "The 'opposition' can't even unite to effectually oppose a clearly foreign-compromised dementia-filled clown? Well, the American empire is clearly done but for the shouting. They're to be had whenever we want them. Just let's hope the children don't dip into their nukes as a last gasp.") 

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