Shrinking or Swelling to Fill Your Space :: Courtney DeFeo [Ep 406]

Apr 24, 2023, 05:34 AM

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Have you ever seen a “magic towel” that swells and “grows” when you put it in water? Have you shrunk a shirt in the laundry? At different times in our lives God assigns us a space that we have to shrink or swell to occupy. This could mean giving up beloved roles, or taking on responsibilities we don’t want. How do we respond when we find ourselves in these situations? 

My guest this week is Courtney Defeo. At God’s leading she stepped back from a high-profile career and dreams of being a CEO so her husband could step forward in his career pursuits. She put certain things on hold to create the family and home culture she wants. While at first glance it might seem like she’s squandering her talent and intellect, when she looks around her life she sees things that can only be done now. She feels the freedom to use her gifts in the spaces she’s in now. 

Connect with [Courtney DeFeo]:  Links Mentioned:   Related Episodes: Available Now: 

Heather’s new book, “Right Where You Belong” is now available wherever books are sold. 

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