I am afraid to die | Faith Based Podcast

Episode 42,   Apr 18, 2023, 03:21 PM

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God I Love You but I am Afraid to Die
There five common life-changing events. Few of them we eagerly pray for, others are devastating but when these events happen, they turn your world upside down or right side up. I have and been impacted by four of the five events on this list which each one marking a diaristic turning point in my life. So what are the five common life changing events? We will get to them in this ride but before we do,  I’d like to ask, are afraid to die?

All aboard to Chatting with Charity, todays destination is — I love you God, but I’m afraid to die.

Hey rider, Welcome back to the only podcast that takes rides that change lives. I’m your girl Charity Gachenge. 

5 life changing events

marriage, parenthood, divorce, job loss, and death
[+] Marriage and parenthood = death of self autonomy
[-] Divorce and career = death of identities

My 4  Life Changing Events : Divorce, Parenthood, Job loss , death. 

Spiritual and Physical  —> 2 ways to experience Death
1) a death that allows you to be reborn again and have eternal life and
2) The other that takes it all meaning of life. 
*** God created the first options to cancel out the second options

After my mom died i received HUGE CHECK, TAX FREE and it cleared into my account. 

Review the 5 life changing events: marriage, parenthood, divorce, job loss, and death

Word to study:
Ecclesiastes 9:10
10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.

Well rider, I encourage you to purse death with intentionally. Be opening and willing to allow areas in your life that does against of the will of God for life die. AND Whatever you do, don’t let death show up at your announced. Make the decision to let your flesh die and carry about the rest of you’re earthly living with the Lord experiencing His amazingness each day. 

Well ride, we’ve reach out destination .