Karen Maldonado Chief Program and Innovation Officer At Latinos For Education.Org

Season 4, Episode 45,   Apr 18, 2023, 01:30 PM

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In this episode, Karen Maldonado CPIO from Latinos for Education.org and the producer of Latinas From The Block To The Boardroom, Theresa E. Gonzales, discuss the necessary conversations and leadership opportunities we have in education as a Latino community.  Today, across the United States classrooms, there is only 8% representation of Latino educators and only 4% of Latinos on education boards. Yet, in the year 2025, classrooms will be 33% of students will be Latino, and that is not due to immigration. We discuss how the options for our learning to be a multilingual education systems is paramount to stay strategic in a global community and how we need to invest more in our communities with represented pathway in education for the Latino community. 

Karen Maldonado, the Chief Program and Innovation Officer (CPIO) for Latinos for Education, the first Latino-founded and led national organization solely dedicated to creating leadership pathways for Latinos in education, inside and outside of the education sector, and to be positioned to increase their influence and impact to serve Latino students and families. 
Karen directs and guides the overall vision, strategy, design, and evolution of all program areas nationally—and provides leadership around K-16 partnerships, fundraising, budget-setting, and organizational strategy. She's committed to excellence for Latino and Black children, adults, and families, which has been evidenced by her career path and her Ph.d in Education Leadership from Harvard University and Masters of Science in Education from Fordham University.

Gracias to the Sarah and Anthony at The Raben Group and Latinos for Education in publishing a report on the Latino Action Agenda for Education, and you can download here.

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