Kathleen Marden and Denise Stoner - Alien Abduction Files (Refreshed from the archives)

Apr 14, 2023, 03:19 AM

Episode image

Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand. -
Neil Armstrong

Blast from the past. Not the show I had originally scheduled to post. This show is from the archives, but there is a reason. A redirect gave me an opportunity to revisit this show. That's when I found a topic I had been forced to sleuth out - without remembering anything about this conversation. What the heck was going on with my eyes?

Denise provides a perfect description of an Ocular Migraine. I had searched the internet to find illustrations to fit what I see. All the while having no idea we had discussed this several months to a year prior to my initial episode.

But the other memory it triggered was when I was telepathically told to go outside - and then being blinded by the equivalent of a bright camera flash. I certainly saw 'stars' for a while. Was that the trigger for the Ocular issue? I don't know. The source? I don't know. The other show that got derailed would not have given me the prompts to remember this.

And so it goes.

In this interview, Kathleen is the researcher - sharing information about Experiencer study results. (More info on her website.) Denise is also researching, but she shares her personal account. Missing time, healing after effects, encounters with beings. The part about the car flying across the desert...

2013 - The Alien Abduction Files. Kathleen Marden and Denise Stoner, Affiliate Link.

Reader Review:"Wow! What a powerhouse of a book! I enjoyed The Abduction Files more than any other book I have read on the phenomena of abductions, missing time, etc. I thought that the statistical survey of abductees (including a control group) was just brilliant! The sample size was excellent and the questions were specific enough to give a clear picture of what's going on with the abductee population variation."

A big shift in direction for Kathleen since this interview [2013] - She now reveals more of her personal journey - prior to that - and in this interview - she maintained a separate position and did not disclose how these events have changed her.

Going forward - Kathleen's newest book [2022] is a reveal.

2022 - Forbidden Knowledge, Kathleen Marden, Affiliate Link. "is primarily the remarkable story of Kathleen Marden’s decision to finally jump off of the proverbial bridge she’d been perched on. For many years, she’s considered the cost vs. benefit of going public with her own encounters with aliens, their messages, craft, missing time and more."

Kathleen's website: Link.
Kathleen's Blog:
Wendy's Website: