9/03/2023 - IWA Report Launch: Broadcasting Regulation in Wales: What can we learn from Europe?

Mar 21, 2023, 09:37 AM

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Hear about our latest research on broadcasting, with a presentation from Dr Marlen Komorowski (Media Cymru), Dylan Moore (Media and Democracy Policy Lead, IWA) and Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed (Media Cymru)

This is a recording of the launch of our report 'Broadcasting Regulation in Wales: What can we learn from Europe?', which took place on 9 March 2023. 

This event was chaired by the IWA's Director Auriol Miller and included a presentation from the authors of the report, Dr Marlen Komorowski (Media Cymru), Dylan Moore (Media and Democracy Policy Lead, IWA) and Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed (Media Cymru).

The devolution of broadcasting is under active consideration, with an Expert Panel set up as part of The Co-operation Agreement between Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru tasked with developing plans for a new regulatory framework that works for Wales.

But what does ‘devolution of broadcasting’ actually mean? And in the current political context, how can Wales’s voice in the broadcasting landscape be strengthened?

This event launched the second and third parts of the IWA’s research on legislative and regulatory frameworks for broadcasting in Wales. Our paper outlines four case studies from countries across Europe, from which derive vital lessons for Wales.

Links and further reading: