96 | Who are the Blue Avians and what is it like to channel them?

Mar 03, 2023, 09:00 PM

Episode image
In this episode, learn about the Blue Avian star race from my own personal experience co-creating with them and getting to know who they are, their frequency, their purpose and how they can help humanity.

This episode covers: 

  • Their traits & personality 
  • How they work with star races and the Earth realms
  •  Why they don’t work with humans much
  • Where they live and how they seed consciousness
  • How they help other star races access new realms
  • The organisational systems of the Blue Avians
  • What it is like to channel the Blue Avians

This clip was taken from The Blue Avian Star Race Activation which you can purchase for $39. Learn more about the Blue Avians and travel with me in the Quantum to their spaceship to meet you Blue Avian team member & receive wisdom and activations from them! https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/blueavianactivation

💙For more information and to sign-up for A Blue Avian Trilogy click here: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/blueavianstrilogy

To learn more about the Blue Avians, check out this video: https://youtu.be/R1tYDFgReJg

💫 Bonjour!
I am your host Cendrine, spiritual teacher ascension mentor, trance channel and the leader of the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry.

Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.

We were born free, let’s reclaim our power within.

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