Dharmachakra and the Rebirth of Free Buddhist Audio

Episode 438,   Feb 18, 2023, 06:14 PM

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How to build a world class archive online: love, patience, and a vision of the Dharma for all.

Dharmachakra has been a going concern since Dharmachari Ananda first strapped a reel-to-reel tape recorder on his back in London in 1967 to record the first public lectures by Urgyen Sangharakshita under the auspices of the then Friends of the Western Buddhist Order. It has evolved over the decades to become an amazing Triratna Right Livelihood team – most importantly, a team of friends, working online together across the globe to bring the world the best of Buddhism and meditation from our new Buddhist Community.

We hear from the team in Mexico City, the United Kingdom and the United States about their work on the brand new Free Buddhist Audio, recently relaunched in its third major version for mobile devices with an archive that has swelled in 15+ years from 450 titles to over 5,500. Some magic recommendations follow (see the prodigious show notes below) – but also an evocation of the importance of working together, of taking part in a lineage of practice, and of passing on to the next generation the many treasures of the Dharma. At its best, the new FBA is just this: a chest of jewels, rich and surprising, whose light illuminates not just our history as modern Buddhists and how far we have come, but shows the way to the future of Buddhism as it adapts to new contexts, countries, languages and cultures. 

Take a deep dive with us into a world of outstanding generosity, amazing technology, and beautiful collective effort over many years to bring the words of the Buddha and the voices of diverse community to life online. Dharmachakra may already be a great Triratna institution – and Free Buddhist Audio a much loved resource and space online – but it’s just getting started.

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Show Notes
David has now been ordained as… Dayaketu! Which means, ‘Comet of Kindness or Compassion’ ☺️

Kusaladevi’s picks
The Transitoriness of Life and the Certainty of Death by Vajradarshini

Rambles Around Reality by Subhuti

Rambles Around Consciousness by Subhuti

Rambles Around the Yogachara by Subhuti

Talks on White Tara

Talks by Vajrashura

Talks by Vajratara

Dayaketu’s (David’s) picks 
Seminar texts on Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava (1987): Cantos 37 & 39

Seminar texts on Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava (1987): Canto 38

Sevenfold Puja by Sangharakshita (1968)

Sangharakshita’s poetry

Talks from Cuernavaca Buddhist Centre, Mexico

Talks in Spanish 

Kamalavajra’s picks
Mind Reactive and Creative by Sangharakshita (1967)

The Inconceivable Emancipation - Themes from the Vimalakirti Nirdesha by Sangharakshita (1979) 

Sangharakshita’s Memoirs (audiobooks) | Sangharakshita’s Memoirs (books from Windhorse Publications)

Viriyalila’s picks
Talks on The White Lotus Sutra

Ritual and Devotion in Buddhism by Sangharakshita (1967)

Readings from the Pali Canon by Sangharakshita (2000)

Mind and Mental Events - A Series by Subhuti

Seven-Point Mind Training - A Series by Dhammadinna

Brahma Viharas and the Key Moment by Kulaprabha

Becoming a Citizen of the Present by Srivati

Early talks by Sangharakshita

Late talks by Sangharakshita

Sophe’s picks
Recordings of Mantras and Chanting

Vidyamala’s guided meditations and Dharma talks

Zac’s picks
The ‘Lost’ Padmasambhava Talk by Sangharakshita (1979)


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Theme music by Ackport! Used with kind permission.