On The Air Live with Trenayce & Steve Harper (part 4)
Feb 05, 2023, 07:22 AM
In this final interview, Trenayce is surprised when Steve asks her to "READ" his energy! She jumps right in and begins to "FEEL" him out. And this is happening LIVE, "On The Air". According to Steve, Trenayce is "Spot On"!
This interview was a video podcast and is available on Awakenthehealing.com, if you would like to view it. This is a Great Interview!
#SteveHarper #Awakening #Transformation #NaturalHealing
This interview was a video podcast and is available on Awakenthehealing.com, if you would like to view it. This is a Great Interview!
#SteveHarper #Awakening #Transformation #NaturalHealing