Natalie Dunbar – From Solo to Scaled

Season 3, Episode 1,   Feb 06, 2023, 08:00 AM

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Power of Ten is a podcast hosted by Andy Polaine about design operating at many levels, zooming out from thoughtful detail through to organisational transformation and on to changes in society and the world.

My guest in this episode is Natalie Dunbar, UX-focused content strategist with a unique blend of skills as a journalist, content writer, and user experience researcher. Natalie excels in balancing the creation of delightful user experiences with strategic content that supports the needs of a business or organization. She is author of the newly released Rosenfeld Media book, From Solo to Scaled: Building a Sustainable Content Strategy Practice.

Here Natalie talks about the various flavours and roles of content, the challenges and key inflection points as content teams scale.

Thanks to Rosenfeld Media, listeners can get Natalie’s book at 20% off the purchase price when you purchase directly from them using the code, POWEROFTENSTS.

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