Arriale Starbird - Psychic Dreams, Shamanic Energy Healing, Intuition

Feb 03, 2023, 12:25 AM

Episode image

My dream indicated the person I was looking for was deceased. I needed to find a student who studied with him. Arriale studied with John and offers Psychic Self Defense Training.

"I very rarely think in words at all. A thought comes, and I may try to express it in words afterwards." Albert Einstein - (Wertheimer, 1959, 213; Pais,1982). Also Psychology Today. Link.

When I interviewed dream interpreter J.M. DeBord (pt. 2), he said his 30 year nightmare remained unresolved until he consulted a Shaman. While popular media are highlighting shows that focus on negative entities, ghosts, and demons (EX: Skinwalker Ranch Hitchhiker effect. Link.), there are no equivalent popular media resources for information on psychic self-defense. A counter to the negative focus is needed and helpful.

It makes perfect sense, given the prod to find a resource was influenced by the topic of dreams, that a suggested direction and my solution would be provided in a dream.

Arriale Starbird has an extensive Bio - this is the key element that drew me to her: "Arriale studied Shamanic Energy Medicine with John Livingston, M.A. for 9 years."

John Livingston was a trained Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Spiritual Counselor, Shamanic Energy Healer, Shamanic Master Exorcist, with in depth training in traditional and core Shamanism, as well as western models of Psychological Therapy. He was a Marriage and Family Therapist since 1970's."

John (now deceased) is the author of, Adversaries Walk Among Us: The History, Nature, And Removal Of Possessing Demons And Spirits. Amazon.
My dream indicated the person I was looking for was deceased. I needed to find a student who studied with him. Arriale studied with John and offers Psychic Self Defense Training.

In the interview I explain how John's name came to me in the dream. Coincidentally, Arriale also had a dream connection with John. She talks about shamanic energy healing and  offers a story about how one of her clients overcame some very unique challenges on his road to wellness.

Arriale Starbird. Website

Additional insight on Intuition -
Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein: Intuition. CNBC
Channeling Einstein. Medium