
Jan 19, 2023, 09:51 AM

Episode image
"What is it like to sing under the ice? This question was inspired by the image of the bearded seal’s glissandi that came to mind and was the guiding line for the composition. The meaning of Entrelinhas (betweenness; between the lines) goes deep into the idea of living between places; of suffering interference from machines and naturals, struggling against them and sometimes incorporating them. I explored the proposed sound file as a medium itself, looking for betweenness spaces, the encounters, the resonances. The file was manipulated to reveal features and/or digitization errors present in different spectral bands. They would become the main digital material for making sounds. It is as if we were exploring the gestuality underneath the noise. The sinusoidal sounds were recorded from an audible ecosystem environment where harmonics emerge from acoustic-digital feedback-loop: another kind of betweenness. Synthesis and granular approaches were applied to create overlapping sound layers so ambience sensation, melodies, beatings, spectral movements and spatial correlations emerged as resonant gestures breaking through the multiple layers and sewing up between the lines of sounds at once. This is a stereo reduction version of a multichannel composition aiming for an immersive sound experience."

Bearded seal reimagined by Ricardo Thomasi.

Part of the Polar Sounds project, a collaboration between Cities and Memory, the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity (HIFMB) and the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). Explore the project in full at http://citiesandmemory.com/polar-sounds