Blue icebergs

Jan 16, 2023, 08:57 PM

Episode image
"Antarctica is the most uncharted place on Earth, which makes it the ideal place not only to research the past encased within the ice and to understand the causes of our present, but also to dream of possible futures where we can preserve these impressive natural architectures sculpted on ice.

"The sound of the icebergs’ collision inspired me to compose ambient music where one can feel and listen to the calmness of the frozen entourage.  A sea of icebergs meet, formidable in front of us while the water, the shattering of the ice as well as the wind, surround us in an infinite calmness.  In “Blue Icebergs”, we can then listen to the ice silently singing while, little by little, we begin to realize that these masses of ice, fallen from a glacier are truly in danger because of global warming.  They are endangered, and if we don’t do something about it, we will lose them forever. 

"“Blue Icebergs” was created with the soundscape recording as a starting point, and from there, the ambient was composed using digital instruments, always looking to show the coldness of the environment through sounds and crystal notes, as well as through vibrations of strings and metals."

Colliding icebergs reimagined by Pelayo Del Villar.

Part of the Polar Sounds project, a collaboration between Cities and Memory, the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity (HIFMB) and the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). Explore the project in full at