J.M. DeBord, Nightmares pt 2 - the 30 year Nightmare

Dec 25, 2022, 06:36 PM

Episode image

Monsters, Death, Demons, War, Violence, Crime, Disasters and Afflictions... that's the short list. Nightmares are unique to the dreamer.

“The dream shows the inner truth and reality of the patient as it really is: not as I conjecture it to be, and not as he would like it to be, but as it is.” - C.G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections

Nightmares: Your Guide to Interpreting Your Darkest Dreams
, J.M. DeBord, Amazon.

Examining common themes and symbols in the dark dream, Jason also addresses dreams with paranormal elements, PSI, prophecy and contact with supernatural others.

This is the segment for that 30 year nightmare.
Speaking to the subject of nightmares from personal experience, Jason DeBord shares his story of a nightmare so debilitating he almost couldn't shake it ... and there came a time -- after 30 years --- when he nearly lost hope of ever getting rid of what had become a nasty parasite. A shaman intervened, identified the source and the entity was finally cleared.

Jason's case is evidence that some dreams do require external assistance to understand the potential source and release the cord binding the attachment. 

"Fear--it's the source of many nightmares, and the dream author has countless ways of symbolizing it." p. 272

*The index in the back is very helpful - also where I located the (surprise) reference to my Alex Tanous dream.   

Website. https://jmdebord.com/
Jason/RadOwl - is Moderator at the Reddit Dream Community. Link.
Alex Tanous. Website.
Wendy's Blog Link.