Tuning fluctuations

Dec 10, 2022, 09:52 AM

Episode image
"I picked this particular piece feeling like this is a time to guide my movements in a more calm, and present pace. This choice of the field recording to interpret, was an attempt to practice a more contemplative state of being through working with a possibly more neutral, and meditative source material. 

"While interpreting this recording, my mind, conditioned to a degree of stimuli, greater than that what our human body's nervous system,  was accustomed to for the majority of it's developmental existence on this earth, still had to distort this serene, and calm recording of mostly nature sounds, and isolate specific little pieces of sound in time, and loop it over and over and over again, amplifying and distorting it, to keep the minds attention span interested. This seems like a telling analogy to the functioning of our minds today, in the technological world, well at least mine. 

"Nonetheless, even if chopped up and fed back into itself a lot with feedback, at a point in the composition, it feels like there was momentary equilibrium happening, guiding the way to the imagined change in the state of being. It happened through tuning in to a particular rhythm, interesting enough for the attention, but still simple and repeating, allowing the mind to stop searching all around the place and tuning in to the present soundscape, feeling it throughout the body and through that being able to appreciate and experiment with just the slightest nuances. 

"Getting to a deeper level of experience. At least that's what that felt like for me. I hope that even if a little piece of this process is stored in my body's memory, then I hope I can integrate this approach more and more to my everyday life, and try to bring a little bit of equilibrium into the world."

Goa hotel gardens reimagined by Kristaps Freimanis.