Tricia Brown - Exploring the Paranormal - Ghosts, Spirit Guides, Manifesting positive energy

Dec 09, 2022, 08:31 PM

Episode image

Following up from the previous session - About those 3 drops of blood?

“… signs of a life that we cannot explain are everywhere, vibrating by the side of the life of every day.” - Maurice Maeterlinck, The Treasure of the Humble

Talking with Tricia Brown about some of her metaphysical/paranormal experiences and how she maintains a positive vibe to draw more inspirational and higher frequency encounters.

Do people block things that don't affirm their reality? She offers an example of seeing UFO/lights in the sky and pointing them out to her father. His reaction? 

Bio: A Masters in Metaphysics, Certified in healing energy modalities including Reiki, Post Life Regression, Distance Healing and Color Sound Therapy.

Tricia is a featured guest on several youtube shows, sharing her Sasquatch encounters and other paranormal interactions. She also has her own youtube channel. Exploring the Paranormal with Tricia Brown. Link.

Housesitting adventure - This video segment introduces the pets she cares for (cats/dogs/bird), also briefly mentions the drops of blood. Link. I followed up to ask her to speak more about that anomaly in this interview.

YouTube 12.8.2022 - Recent interview with Bigfoot Michigan Rob. Tricia talks about her Bigfoot sighting on a bike trail in California. (Mani talks in this interview too.)

Tricia on Facebook. Link. (Photo: Tricia and her extraordinary, 26 year old bird - Mani)

Wendy's blog - Paranormal, etcetera. Talkingtonightlights.