Just a breath away

Dec 09, 2022, 03:37 PM

Episode image
"The calming sound of large placid animals breathing in and out - like you are now - then the sound of their jaws munching was my chosen soundtrack. This evoked a quiet meadow in the first flush of a Swedish summer as dusk approached, cows resting on their knees.Breathing was the dominant sound but there were also accompanying rustles, chirps and insects.

"I wanted to develop and enhance that calming effect.

"I tried many complementary sounds; Buddhist chants were perfect - breathing is a fundamental part of Buddhism.  I mixed the two choosing to focus on breath expressed as sound rather than simply its rhythm.

"This was then completed by adding a final layer made up of enhanced sections of a single breath plus other background extracts based on manipulated natural noises from the original soundtrack."

Cows in Sweden reimagined by Ian Evetts.