Getting Started with a "Word" for your 2023 Resolutions

Season 1, Episode 172,   Dec 20, 2022, 06:30 PM


Every year many write their goals down and or dream of their next steps. Today we will discuss how to be intentional about your New Year's Resolutions for a better mind and body. Stay Tuned, Like, Comment and Subscribe

Three steps to a NEW YOU!
1. Identify with intentionality what you want to accomplish
2. Make a PLAN
3. Take Action
We will discuss today how to work with what you have. My favorite and Houston's local well known nutritionist @keithkline, first shared with me Make a Better Bad Choice, let's face it back then at 205 lbs... I ate alot of cake. By restating, Let's make a better choice, it was easier to have smaller portion sizes and substitute the carbs for veggies. When it came to ice cream, which is still tasty consider #Haloicecream, @icream4rebelsĀ  @eatlightened, there are so many to choose from and health protein and snacks are key when you are needing energy. We hope today's episode will help to inspire you and be your accountability partner to MAKE IT HAPPEN, to Live your Best Life 2023!

Thank you Meridian Medical Dental Healthcare powered by Meridian Health Institute, Eddie Vee with Share My Life Productions for his production of all our social media needs and videos. Reach out to us @Everydayhealthhacker, @meridianhealthinstitute, email and or call us at 281-265-6565, We want to be your resource of medical and dental information for you, your family and loved ones.

Hosts Michael Herzing (@mikeherzing and @let'stalkwheels and Dr. Liza Leal @everydayhealthhacker