Believe in yesterday

Dec 07, 2022, 05:56 PM

Episode image
"The piece selected was based on a soundtrack made in Venice - buskers producing melancholy music from wine glasses. This resonated with us because we had visited Venice repeatedly throughout the last decade and coincidentally enjoyed this busker’s music ourselves. 

"We layered other sound memories onto this original track - these were made by us over the years. Almost all came from our Italian trips. The voice is trapped in the fragments of this better world - there is a sense of longing and nostalgia. Water flows - reminiscent of tears. Italian voices implore - entangled with a reminder that in our heyday we ran our lives ‘My Way’. 

"A love song drags us back into the intimacy of relationships long gone. The voice remains trapped in these memories until the end. The combined voice and fairytale-like Beatles track ebb away at the end, just as life drifts away."

Venetian glass busker reimagined by Caroline Grimshaw and Stephen Mugford.