Alzheimer’s drug heralded as game changer

Nov 30, 2022, 09:11 PM

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Researchers are heralding a breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer's: a drug that is the first to slow the destruction of the brain. But it only works in the early stages of Alzheimer's and many people aren't diagnosed until the disease has already advanced. And, one of the more successful mystics in Japan says he’s a reincarnated alien from the planet Venus. He’s now intent on recruiting more believers in the US. Also, the United Nations agency for culture added the French baguette to its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Plus, we hear about Chinese leader Jiang Zemin’s economic legacy.

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Researchers are heralding a breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer's: a drug that is the first to slow the destruction of the brain. But it only works in the early stages of Alzheimer's and many people aren't diagnosed until the disease has already advanced. And, one of the more successful mystics in Japan says he’s a reincarnated alien from the planet Venus. He’s now intent on recruiting more believers in the US. Also, the United Nations agency for culture added the French baguette to its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Plus, we hear about Chinese leader Jiang Zemin’s economic legacy.

Our reporting is independent, inclusive and in-depth. Best of all, it’s listener supported. In other words, we wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for you. Will you give today to support the tireless efforts of The World’s reporters and producers?