Warehouse Safety Tips | Episode 154 | Stay Alert To Safety

Season 3, Episode 154,   Nov 30, 2022, 09:45 PM

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Stay Alert To Safety

In today's podcast, we'll discuss staying alert to safety.

So - stay tuned.

You can find the show notes to each episode, links to the information mentioned on the podcast, the social media platforms we're on, and anything else related to the podcast at WarehouseSafetyTips.com.

If you're a seasoned Podcast Listener, this podcast will be different from most you listen to.  It's based on exactly what the name implies - Warehouse Safety Tips.  And since the people in that industry are busy - we know time is money so each episode will be as short and to the point as possible.

And now that all that is out of the way - let's get to the Podcast!

Stay Alert To Safety

Have you ever seen a sign while driving that states, 'WAKE-UP! | Drive ALERT! | Arrive Alive'?  Statistics state that just south of 100 Million people drive while Sleep-Deprived EVERY day!  Doing so results in thousands of deaths and millions of accidents per year.  Where do the majority of ones that avoid accidents end up each day?  At work with you!  Sometimes it might BE you!  And that's what we're here to help you with today.

Staying alert can be accomplished in many ways - but here are a few great tips to get you started.

  • Get the required amount of sleep to function at peak performance daily.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Move as much as your job allows.
  • Keep your work area bright.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Stick to a healthy diet.
The ways to keep alert are less important than why you want to stay alert.  Much like the previous list, there are countless reasons why - but here are several to get your mind thinking about it.

  • Many workplaces (ESPECIALLY warehouses) have potential dangers lurking around every corner.  It's paramount to pay attention, stay alert, and keep your head on a swivel at all times.  You're in immediate danger when you remove PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) or forget to watch and listen to your surroundings.
  • Regardless of how big or small your job is - ALL duties come together as one.  So it's important to ensure your contribution is the best you can provide daily.
  • On the same concept of all jobs coming together as one - many times, one task must be completed before another can start.  So if you bring anything less than your A-Game, you might cause a chain reaction that affects your entire facility.
  • Issues caused by one or more individuals can affect the entire staff, customers, and shareholders via the bottom line.
  • The 'Days Since An Accident' Sign at your facility reflects how alert the staff is.  
  • The cost of not paying attention / not being alert can be as simple as a reprimand or as severe as an injury or death.
Do your best to stay alert and bring the best you to work each day as possible - and safety should follow!

We are excited to see you next week for another Warehouse Safety Tips.

Until then, have a great week, and STAY SAFE!

Before moving on - here's a word from one of our sponsors.

If you've ever been to or worked in a warehouse - you know just how important safety is to management and staff.  It's almost impossible to go 10 steps without seeing Safety Tape, Angles, Signs, and/or products.

These items show us how to be safe and avoid danger in the workplace.  And if you're looking for the best products to make this happen - look no further than Mighty Line!

Mighty Line Floor Signs / Floor Markings offer the best industrial products!

Go to MightyLineTape.com/SafetyTips to request a Sample Pack of their incredible Safety Signs and Floor Markings.

What makes Mighty Line the superior choice in keeping your facility safe and productive?

  • Mighty Line Tape is the strongest floor tape on the market and has a beveled edge that increases durability for industrial brush scrubbers, forklifts, and heavy industrial wheel traffic. 
  • Easy installation and removal thanks to Mighty Line's peel-and-stick backing.  You can apply and reapply it during installation - and it leaves no sticky residue should you need to remove it.  This allows the ability to change workflow areas quickly and easily - and not have the downtime associated with painting or using floor markings that leave behind a mess when you remove them.
  • Mighty Line Tape is 7 times thicker than the average Safety Floor Tape.
  • Mighty Line's Signs and Markings come in various shapes, colors, and sizes.  And if they don't have what you're looking for in stock - their Customize It Program allows you to create exactly what you're looking for. 
  • Mighty Line offers a Limited 3-Year Warranty on their Floor Signs and Markings.
  • And last but certainly not least - Mighty Line Products are Patented and PROUDLY Made in the USA!
We're proud to have Mighty Line as THE Official Floor Sign / Floor Marking Company for the Warehouse Safety Tips Podcast and Site.

Again - Go to MightyLineTape.com/SafetyTips to request a Sample Pack of their incredible Safety Signs and Floor Markings.

If you visit WarehouseSafetyTips.com - you'll find the Show Notes for this episode.  

Thank you for listening to Warehouse Safety Tips - and have a SAFE day!