Millions of Ukrainians without heat and power after more airstrikes

Nov 25, 2022, 09:43 PM

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As evidence of atrocities continue to surface in Ukraine, calls for war crimes tribunals are growing. Putting a leader on trial isn't easy though. Today, The World looks back at the trial of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, who oversaw the ethnic cleansing and bloodshed that enveloped the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. A pivotal witness against Milosovic was someone on the inside. Also, millions of Ukrainians are without heat and power after another round of brutal Russian air strikes. But Ukrainians remain largely united in their resolve. One case: Ukraine's philharmonic continued to play, even in the darkness. And, the death toll from an earthquake in Indonesia this week has topped 300. At least two dozen people are still missing. We speak with an emergency aid worker about the challenges they're facing. Plus, Thanksgiving may just barely be over, but cities across Europe are already geared up for Christmas. That normally means elaborate light displays and temporary ice skating...

As evidence of atrocities continue to surface in Ukraine, calls for war crimes tribunals are growing. Putting a leader on trial isn't easy though. Today, The World looks back at the trial of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, who oversaw the ethnic cleansing and bloodshed that enveloped the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. A pivotal witness against Milosovic was someone on the inside. Also, millions of Ukrainians are without heat and power after another round of brutal Russian air strikes. But Ukrainians remain largely united in their resolve. One case: Ukraine's philharmonic continued to play, even in the darkness. And, the death toll from an earthquake in Indonesia this week has topped 300. At least two dozen people are still missing. We speak with an emergency aid worker about the challenges they're facing. Plus, Thanksgiving may just barely be over, but cities across Europe are already geared up for Christmas. That normally means elaborate light displays and temporary ice skating rinks. But with the war in Ukraine and high energy bills, some cities are doing things a bit differently this year.

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