TSOT051: Choose - Are you waiting for your latest coding update? Are you an NPC (non-player character)?

Nov 17, 2022, 05:51 AM

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Two examples of people apparently operating purely off of the latest behavior "coding download."

American Sign Language signer for stage production fired for his skin color. Logic be damned.
Boy appropriates Miss America affiliated contest, and "wins." 

You are more. Do you intend to submit to simplified, even quite illogical and inconsistent, and often contradictorily NOT empathetic, automatic behavior coding?

Don't walk into corners of the walls of logic repeatedly because your programming is so simple that it doesn't tell you to not bump into the walls. Don't be a non-player character. 

Don't be the Agent Smith... the agent of the larger attempt to control the world through mass download of millions of programs that police society.

Literally the more people we have operating from their own source, their own consciousness, their own logic and autonomy and investigation and knowledge of the world and their well-informed skepticism, the more freely we are operating as humans. Literally we are more free. 

The automatic behavior downloads are the enemy.