The integrity of the gesture was lost
Nov 03, 2022, 10:02 AM
"The title “The integrity of the gesture was lost” and the inspiration for this composition came from Antwerp, a novella by the Chilean author Roberto Bolaño. He said he wrote the book “for the ghosts, who, because they're outside of time, are the only ones with time.” This is the sentence that hooked me in: “Fleeing together long ago became living together and thus the integrity of the gesture was lost; the shine of immediate past.”
"Somehow the sound sample I chose for the underlying backbone of the composition - Antwerp Port Epic, Entering The Lion’s Zone - reminded me of an imaginary moment, when “The integrity of the gesture was lost”. I call my music memory recordings, that expose the complex relationship between music and silence. Ghosts and time are themes prominently featured in the atmospheres and rhythms throughout this piece."
"Somehow the sound sample I chose for the underlying backbone of the composition - Antwerp Port Epic, Entering The Lion’s Zone - reminded me of an imaginary moment, when “The integrity of the gesture was lost”. I call my music memory recordings, that expose the complex relationship between music and silence. Ghosts and time are themes prominently featured in the atmospheres and rhythms throughout this piece."