AN 5.41 - 5.50 With King Munda

Oct 31, 2022, 11:27 AM

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AN 5.41 The legitimate purposes of wealth.
AN 5.42 A good person brings many blessings to their family.
AN 5.43 You don’t get good things by praying for them, but by how you live.
AN 5.44 If you give the best, you get the best.
AN 5.45 When offerings are used for deep meditation, the merit multiplies enormously.
AN 5.46 Kinds of spiritual success, in brief.
AN 5.47 Kinds of spiritual wealth, in detail.
AN 5.48 A wise person reflects on their nature, so they do not suffer when struck by loss.
AN 5.49 When King Pasenadi learns of the death of his beloved Queen Mallikā, the Buddha consoles him.
AN 5.50 Depressed by the death of Queen Bhaddā, King Muṇḍa of Rājagaha neglects his duties, and broods by the side of his beloved’s corpse. Venerable Nārada eases his grief.