Chainsaw lullaby

Oct 30, 2022, 03:20 PM

Episode image
This is probably the only time we've ever found the sound of a chainsaw relaxing. Listening from a couple of hundreds metres above, we're watching a man work on some large logs with two different types of chainsaw, while around us the scene is idyllic. Mountain trees rustle gently in the breeze, there is the occasional burst of birdsong, and up in the mountains the air is so pure and free from pollution of all kinds (noise pollution included) that everything has a particularly soft edge to it.

This composition is a small tribute to that unique quality of sound up in the mountains, and an attempt to dissociate the sound of the chainsaw from its more traditional associations with destruction, intrusive noise - and indeed terror. 

Chainsaws in the Dolomites reimagined by Cities and Memory.