Top 5 Most Read RNS's on Vox Markets for Monday 24th October 2022

Episode 977,   Oct 24, 2022, 06:57 AM

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Top 5 Most Read RNS's on Vox Markets for Monday 24th October 2022

5. Landore Resources #LND - Execution of Extinguishment Agreement

They now finalized and executed the Extinguishment Agreement. Accordingly, GT1 has now concluded the purchase, and will extinguish, 50% (1.5%) of the 3% net smelter royalty ("NSR") that Landore holds over the Root Lake property. In return for entering into the Agreement, GT1 has agreed to pay Landore CAN$2 million in cash.

4. Predator O&G Hldgs #PRD - Operations update and Board Changes

It has executed a rig contract with Star Valley Drilling Ltd. to use its Rig 101, which successfully drilled and completed for rigless testing the MOU-1 gas discovery well, to drill the upcoming MOU-2 well in the Guercif Licence onshore northern Morocco.

Thomas Evans is stepping down from the Board as a Non-executive Director.

3. Helium One Global #HE1 - Exercise of Warrants and Issue of Equity

It has received notice to exercise warrants over a total of 880,282 Ordinary Shares (the "Warrant Shares") at a price of 2.84 pence per share.

2. Union Jack Oil #UJO - Maiden Special Dividend, Share Buy-back Programme

Is pleased to declare a Maiden Special Dividend, announce a Share Buyback Programme and confirm details of the Company's Capital Allocation and Distribution Policy.

1. Baron Oil #BOIL - Chuditch PSC Update

Best case Recoverable Resource estimate of 3,625 BCF, using preliminary gas recovery factors of between 50% and 75%, versus an equivalent estimate of 2,924 BCF prior to 3D seismic data reprocessing.