Wendy - Spooky or Not, Paranormal is normal - Civil War haunts

Oct 24, 2022, 05:00 AM

Episode image

“But where is the judgment seat?” the woman demands impatiently.
“You are sitting on it, madam,” the beautiful young man replies. - Ruth Montgomery's Afterlife Revelations

One of the best things about communicating with other entities - deceased, trans-dimensional and otherwise unlike the physical humans we are accustomed to engaging - you realize - alone is an illusion.

A surprise guest. Big Bird joins me for this segment. Unintentional, spontaneous, he decided to start talking prior to this recording, as I was reading an article about a woman who grew up in a haunted house and didn't find that out until she discovered her Mom going through a bunch of photographs.

Only after she realized the nature of the photos did her Mom inform her about the haunting. An extreme case. This is the link for that article on Huffington Post. Link.

When I tell this story during the show, Big Bird joins in. He also chimes in as I am talking about the haunted doll in a Weston, Missouri retail shop. Her name is Nicolette and she is famous for her icy demeanor. Glass had to be replaced when she was displayed in the storefront window space. Her handlers are now cautious regarding her placement in the store. She is a beautiful doll. And she is also quite haunted.

This isn't the first time Big Bird has entertained me with his charm but it is the first time I have actually been able to capture a spontaneous interaction and document it with a recording of the activity very easily connected to triggering events.

The pandemic changed my schedule. I have not been back to Weston for the annual Dining with Ghost events. Verna's book of local ghost tales is available. Link. This year, I visited Black Jack Battlefield to read the site and learn what ghosts might be active in that space. And it is active.

I discovered that battlefield skirmish was a very small part of the story - there is so much more going on in that space beyond a simple battlefield encounter. I have blogged that part of the story in more detail. Part 1 begins here: Link.

The videos that include my visit are up and running, Free State Horror Stories. 4 installments on Black Jack Battlefield and the very active ghosts of Civil War battlefield sites and towns. Link. (Youtube for more recent if they don't show up in the preview.)

History records that battle as a part of the Civil War history and a catalyst in starting the conflict. However, on another plane, that battle continues. The souls trapped in that state would like it to be known war is not a thing to celebrate. There are no winners - only casualties. And some of the souls designated as deceased are still caught up in conflict and trying to get out. That will indeed happen when true peace is achieved on the physical plane. Somehow, some way, one day, the fighting has to stop.

Reincarnation - Civil War memories.
Interview coming up with Jeffrey Keene - who remembers his life as John B. Gordon, Confederate general, Army of Northern Virginia, died January 9 1904. Link.

Proof Positive - Reincarnation of Jeffrey Keene. Link.
Source Ruth Montgomery quote: Link.

Wendy's blog - https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/2022/10/26/spooky-or-not-ghosts-hauntings-anomalies-free-state-horror-stories-black-jack-battlefield-civil-war-paranormal/