Dr. CS Matthews - Pt. 2 - Shamanic Encounter & the Lovecraftian Quartet, Final Season overview

Oct 18, 2022, 10:00 PM

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Mysterious Beauty: "In this book, paranormal means any kind of experience or encounter that cannot be explained easily, or at all, by either what science we accept, or what common sense might allow..."

Mysterious Beauty: Living with the Paranormal in the Hudson Valley, Amazon.

Sasquatch, Little People, Ghosts, Cryptids, UFOs, Unexplained. The Hudson Valley has a lot in common with another paranormal hot spot, Skinwalker Ranch. Carol refers to it as a "thin place" or a "window area." Weird things happen.

Amazon Reader Review: I love that this book has the courage to look at the weird and particular. It doesn't just go the usual "UFOs over [your state here]" route-- it really feels lived in and personal. It captures that inimitable, strange Hudson Valley magic.

Part 2 of our interview - opens with Carol's shamanic encounter with a Spider. As she mentions, her full account of that story is in this interview with Stephanie Quick: Link.

From her blog post: "during a time of great personal crisis, I experienced a fundamental spiritual/personality alteration as a result of being touched by one of the most powerful entities in many Northern American Indigenous cultures."

Her new book is: Final Season - A Lovecraftian Quartet, Amazon.

Summary: Truth and fiction meet in this collection of unnerving tales that merge Lovecraft with actual paranormal experiences, current events and conspiracy.

Carol says the catalyst was a vision quest. Of the four stories in this book, one is a dream and another refers to her reconciling her experience with serial killer, Bob Berdella, now deceased.

If you listen to the audio book version, Carol says she was unsure about the fourth story until she actually heard the narration. She says Michael Hacker did such an amazing job that she finally understood how the story synced with the group.


PS. Carol recommends TRINITY: The Best Kept Secret, Jacques Vallée, Amazon

Professor WHAM website:  https://www.professorwham.com/
Carol's blog. Link.
Facebook: Link.

Wendy's Blog: https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/