TSOT046: Citations on Unprecedented White Fibrous Tissues Causing Great Harm in Humans

Oct 17, 2022, 01:59 AM

Episode image
0:00 Why I haven't cited specific things for you yet about the white fibrous materials in the cardio system.
1:02 Initial listing to two specific articles and a good site generally.
Embalmers reporting strange findings in bodies since start of covid vaccine. Daily Patriot Report, curating and capturing from other sources.
sensereceptornews.com Another funeral director and embalmer says he's been finding white fibrous structures in dead people since the rollout of the covid 19 vaccines
2:43 Quotes and summary from first article
6:30 Summary and quotes from second article
Both of course fixed with plenty of analysis and dot connecting to previous points made.
28:04 Done with articles, but further analysis and commentary: What to look for in the real world now across the population group - lower cardiovascular capacity generally. Who I DO feel sorry for, and why. The "truth" is out, but it is not "out" for everyone - for THOSE folks that don't know they have to go into dark alleys to get the truth, they do NOT have the truth, and so THEY are at more risk. And it is the MSM's straight fault, for first pushing for alienation of any and all alternative media sources, and then for not filling the void they've created and for not fulfilling their professional responsibilities. 

35:00 listing of related episodes
QROT-022, QROT-024, QROT-025, TSOT021, QROT-029, QROT-033, QROT-063, TSOT025, QROT-067, TSOT033, TSOT036, QROT-078, QROT-079, TSOT043, QROT-086.

38:29 Recitation of logic string pointed out in QROT-029. Repeat of the sources behind the logic string.

Keywords and phrases:

Main Topic:
White fibrous protein structures, proteinaceous, effects of 25 to 50% impure instructions, not a blood clot. rubbery, embalmer eyewitnesses, amalyoid structures larger than the hand, self-assembling bio-structure, molybdenum,
Adams, Hooker, Ruby, Hirschman, Cole, Looney, Hero funeral directors, embalmers, and doctors speaking truth.

For topics brought up just as referenced from other episodes: reason for necessity of toxic adjuvants, iga antibodies, Malhotra's father's death, October 2020 slides with horrific risks barely showed, Ashe AZT Chemotherapy poisoning death. How to turn what may be quite provable to only anecdotal,  John Hopkins, Salk Institute, New York Times, CNBC, Univ of Minn,  myocarditis, pericarditis.
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