Welcome to Abundancia

Oct 09, 2022, 07:48 PM

Episode image
""The Piece is called "Welcome to Abundancia". Abundancia is the name of
the imaginary city that has achieved a state of total balance, harmony,
abundance and integration of nature. It serves as a playground and safe
home for it citizens and provides all that is needed for its people and
animals to thrive and (Abun)dance together. The track invites you to
experience how it sounds and feels to spent a day in this magical
sanctuary from sunrise to sunset.

"I chose field recording number 21 for this project because intuitively I
felt drawn to it and also because I was looking for a recording that
contains birds and nature sounds because to me a city can only be
healthy and offer well-being if it has found a way to embrace, honor and
harmonize with nature. So I took this field recording and turned it into
a drone sound by boosting  harmonic frequencies (111 Hz, 222 Hz, 444 Hz,
888 Hz) with an EQ and processing it with effects. This drone served as
the main inspiration, I also re-sampled the sounds of the field
recording and created a more rhythmical texture. Based on that I started
to play around with different elements and step by step the journey took

"In Abundancia people have found a way to remove all stress and toxicity
and to live in harmony and flow by getting rid of all distracting and
unnecessary elements, by focusing on what brings joy and well-being and
by living in community instead of isolation. The city has its name
because the main goal is to offer and create abundance for all. It  has
huge community gardens that provide high quality organic food and
medicine plants for everyone and many sources of pure clean and fresh
water can be found in and around the city. There are also beautiful
parks where people do spiritual practices like Yoga, Meditation, Qi-Gong
etc. together. To reflect that in my music I used a lot of organic
sounds for percussions and textures and you can hear water in many
different elements, the main drum in the first part is a water drum for
example. And I included additional field recordings of the jungle
because I really wanted to emphasize the importance and healing effect
of a city being a biotope. Abundancia is known for its biodiversity and
measures success by the amount of different species that can be found in
its environment.

"The citizens of Abundancia live in joy, happiness and a sense of
fulfillment and purpose because all jobs and services are directly
connected to support and serve the community. And everyone has the
opportunity and is encouraged to follow their passion. They also
understand that they create their reality individually and collectively
based on their thoughts, beliefs and emotions and that there is no
limitation to what they can create except for what they can't imagine.
People realized that fear and lack have been created in the past by
limiting and negative beliefs but everyone in Abundancia is constantly
reminded of the power they have as creator beings and that's why fear no
longer exists because people have realized that it does not serve them
to focus on fearful and negative thoughts and instead they always ask
themselves how they can create more beauty, love and abundance.

 "The city is very colorful and a huge playground for all kinds of
creative expressions and art forms. The people in Abundancia have
understood and mastered the meta-physical principles of frequency,
energy, vibration and resonance and  therefore the architecture and
design reflects and is based on sacred geometry and cosmic harmonics
that help to create an energy field of coherence and harmony in and
around the city. I reflected this idea in this piece as well by tuning
all the elements and instruments to 444 Hz, a tuning that is based on
the powerful 111 Hz harmonic (which is also included in the track) and
that allows for a musical and harmonious integration of solfeggio

"111Hz is found in ancient Neolithic chambers such as New Grange in
Ireland and the Hypogeum in Malta. It has been used in Russia since the
1940s for insomnia (electrosleep treatment), and since the 1970s this
111 Hz has been used in Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulator (CES)
treatment for anxiety, depression, insomnia, enhancing memory, brain
function, anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure), and more…”
In 2013, 111Hz was found by Dr. Vladimir shCherbak and astrobiologist
Maxim Makukov in Kazakhstan to be the first number code in our DNA.
Research by Dr. Ian Cook of UCLA in 2008 showed an unmistakeable effect
on the brain by this frequency, such as causing a temporary shift to the
right brain to bring more balance; stimulating the part of the brain
that relates to empathy, cognitive behaviour, emotional processing and
moderating correct social behaviour; and a de-activation of the speech
centre to encourage a more internal focus.

"That's why I included this frequency as a drone to support the listener
to get into a meditative and peaceful state. I also included the
solfeggio frequency of 396 Hz which is resonating the energy centre
(chakra) that connects us with the earth and gives us a feeling of
grounding, stability and safety. It has also be found to be supportive
in calming down the nervous system and reducing stress and fear.

"Solfeggio Frequencies are a numerical representation of how energy flows
in a torus field and can be seen as the blueprint of creation. In
addition to the solfeggio tuning and healing frequencies I have set all
the parameters in this piece (for example, volume settings, EQ settings,
FX parameters) to represent multiples or equals of 3,6 and 9 which
according to Nikola Tesla and Marko Rodin are master numbers in regards
of manifestation and balance of creation. My intention for this is to
create a stronger attunement and harmonic resonance with the universe.
Recent experiments by acustics-physics scientist John Stuart Reid have
shown that intention has a powerful and noticeable effect and can
positively change and alter matter. That's why this piece is created
with the most loving intentions and it is my way of harnessing the power
of frequency and sound to create a positive and uplifting effect that
can result in raising the frequency within the listener and therefore
benefit everyone because all is connected.

"I am deeply grateful to be able to participate in this project and know
deep in my heart that Abundancia is not just a fantasy but a memory from
the not so distant future."
Lima city garden reimagined by Steffen Ki.

Part of the Well-Being Cities project, a unique collaboration between Cities and Memory and C40, a global network of mayors of nearly 100 world-leading cities collaborating to deliver the urgent action needed right now to confront the climate crisis. The project was originally presented at the C40 Cities conference in Buenos Aires in 2022. Explore Well-Being Cities in full at https://citiesandmemory.com/wellbeing-cities/