Harriet Sweeney | Founder of Dandy Wellness, what it takes to really set up an ecom business, and why our view of wellness needs to change

Episode 51,   Oct 05, 2022, 05:00 AM

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Harriet Sweeney | How to be a successful founder and how Dandy Wellness is changing the market

On this weeks episode we are joined by Harriet Sweeney, the founder of Dandy Wellness. Honestly, we really get into it in this episode and we cannot wait to see what you think. 

A note form Harriet: 

"As Kristen Scott Thomas so beautifully reminded us in Fleabag, “Women are born with pain built in… it’s our physical destiny”. Women are inevitably faced with a series of daunting life phases from menstruation through motherhood to menopause, with no guidebook to smooth the way. Instead, we are met with debilitating pressure society heaps on us to be the ‘perfect woman’. An illusion that only leads to self-criticism and self-sabotage, subliminally striving to be an idealised version of ourselves.

My 20s were the darkest and most bewildering times of her life. I struggled to navigate the complexities of becoming a woman, reliving unhealed wounds and often finding myself in a crisis of self-worth and self-awareness. I suppressed whatever I was feeling by any means possible, neglecting mind, body and soul daily. I felt misunderstood, isolated, and judged. Ultimately, I wasn’t reassured of the normality of my thoughts and feelings because honestly, it was something society didn’t deem to be significant at the time. It was hitting rock bottom that finally set me on my path to healing. 

Finding power in my pain, I sought to create what was glaringly missing. A digital sanctuary that supports women in all our unique situations, eliminating negative distractions and providing tangible pathways as we journey through the different phases of our lives. I like to think of Dandy as the big sister we all need. Dandy does the hard work for you, allowing you to feel inspired and guided in your decisions. Dandy is wellness without whimsical notes, here to show you that wellness can be inclusive, diverse and attainable. It comes from a place of non-judgement, celebrating the fact that we are all a work in progress. Dandy leaves you feeling supported and understood. 

A hive mind community, we are not afraid of taboos and neither should you be. We’re not here to discriminate against men, we love men. We’re here to celebrate women because let’s face it, we need it. While we acknowledge that life is not always easy, it most certainly is not meant to be harder than it needs to be. 

I hope Dandy guides you on your unique path and offers moments of quality and premium indulgence whilst making positive steps to empower you towards wellbeing and ultimately, feeling good. "

[This is a Monday Network production]

Follow Kirsty on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/kirstyraynor

Follow Harriet on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ettybel

Follow Dandy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dandywellness

Follow The Mindset and Me Podcast on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mindsetandmepodcast

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