What crisis?

Sep 29, 2022, 04:30 PM

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On this week's podcast:

For the cover of the magazine Kate Andrews assesses the politics of panic, and the fallout of last week's so-called fiscal event. She is joined by Robert Colvile, director of the Centre for Policy Studies think tank to discuss where the Conservatives go from here (00:57).

Also this week:

Does the future belong to Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland?

This is the claim that Jenny McCartney makes in this week's Spectator. We speak with journalist Melanie McDonagh and politician Mairia Cahill about what this could mean for Irish reunification (15:58).

And finally:

Are red kites magnificent or a menace?

Paul Sargeanton says in his article for The Spectator that red kites should have never been reintroduced back into the UK. His claim is contested by naturalist and author of The Red Kites Year, Ian Carter (28:19).

Hosted by Lara Prendergast and William Moore. 

Produced by Oscar Edmondson.