Michael Craig-Martin: One of the best-known artists of his generation, on his iconic work, instantly recognisable the world over.

Episode 5,   Sep 29, 2022, 07:00 AM

The fifth episode of Making a Mark explores the graphic work of Michael Craig-Martin (b. 1941), one of the best-known artists of his generation. Today his brightly coloured works of everyday objects, from mass-produced consumer goods to fruit and flowers, are easily identified by viewers the world over.
We meet Craig-Martin in his home to discuss his iconic work. He speaks about his earliest prints, the development of his drawing, the introduction of colour to his work, his choice of subject matter including era-defining representations of once familiar yet obsolete technology, and his newest body of prints which pay homage to some of his favourite artists and artworks from Western art history.
We also hear from art critic Ben Luke; artist Julian Opie, who was Craig-Martin’s student in the 1980s; writer and broadcaster Louisa Buck and founder and gallery co-director, Alan Cristea, who first suggested to Craig-Martin he make prints over 40 years ago.
Presented by writer and critic, Charlotte Mullins.

Making a Mark is a podcast by Cristea Roberts Gallery exploring the relationship between artists and printmaking.⁠

Artworks discussed in the episode can be viewed online via https://cristearoberts.com/podcast/

Photo: Caroline True

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