Samuel Chong, Thiaoouba Prophecy - ET Big Brother overseeing Planet Earth [by Michel Desmarquet]

Sep 16, 2022, 02:32 AM

Episode image

According to Samuel ~ Michel had always expressed his wish to be contacted by Thao again and to leave this world. He said to me, “I have to tell jokes all the time. Otherwise, this world would have been too depressing.” ~

ET bases on the far side of the moon, and evidence of life on Mars?

Fascinating contactee encounter. A landscaper (Author was a French Australian landscaper), says he was taken to another planet, shown extraordinary technologies (1987) and unique methods of healing by a highly advanced society. Instructed regarding centuries of ET micro-managing of Human affairs. Tasked with delivering a message to his fellow Earth inhabitants from that advanced ET civilization, Michel Desmarquet says the contact ruined his life. 

Samuel Chong is a certified court interpreter and a Chinese translator. Bio. Finding the book by contactee Michel Desmarquet was life changing. He says, "I was so intrigued by the book that I decided to pay a visit to the author to learn about the things not written in the book, as he mentioned in the postscript that he “had many other conversations with Thao [the extraterrestrial with advanced civilization] which do not appear in this book,” and that he learned “things which are more incredible than those revealed in this volume”, but that he is “not permitted to discuss them, as we are still far from understanding them.” The notion of “many other conversations” aroused my curiosity and I became determined to find out more."

Michel had hit a roadblock and asked Samuel if he could help him get his book published in China. The book became a best-seller in China and Taiwan.

Yes, Samuel believes Michel. Having done the research, Samuel says, "since its publishing in 1992 some of the facts stated therein have been proven scientifically, such as the antimicrobial effects of blue light. However, many other aspects remain unproven by our scientific communities today such as the danger of noise upon our astral body, effects of color upon our physical body, and more."

What makes the book so fascinating - the tech and the timeline of interventions: Link.

Michel passed away on July 9, 2018 in Vietnam. According to Samuel ~ Long before this, he had always expressed his wish to be contacted by Thao again and to leave this world. He said to me, “I have to tell jokes all the time. Otherwise, this world would have been too depressing.” ~
From Samuel. The last - and maybe not so final word:  "He asked me to personally visit him again so that he could tell me the one thing he did not put in his book, as he said he received permission telepathically to tell me."

Samuel is working on a follow-up book about his visit with Michel and considering (As I understand it.) how to present the information left out of the book in such a way that allows the reader to draw their own conclusions as to the meaning.

Samuel's Website:
Thiaoouba Prophecy, Amazon.
Amazon Bio for Michel Desmarquet. Link.
Frequently asked questions. Link.
Jeffrey Mishlove Interview with Samuel. Link.

Review: Messenger Wants to Share Alien Abduction Author's Prophecy by Andy Lippman, former Los Angeles bureau chief for the Associated Press. August 26, 2022

Several video lectures of Michel Desmarquet can be found on Youtube. They have been subtitled in English, Spanish, and Chinese.