Enrique Villanueva, 4 Days in 4D, UFO, ET, Expanding Consciousness

Sep 12, 2022, 02:11 AM

Episode image
Enrique Villanueva's contact experiences began at age 7. An experience that changed his view of reality permanently was a shift to the 4th Dimension, courtesy of an ET being. Multidimensional. He describes one instance where the being disappears - and it looks just an older version of the television screen when it blinked off.

Starting with OBEs and dreams, communication began. Sometimes he questioned but curiosity held his interest. Aided with support from his father, he tried to find out more about the purpose as the encounters continued.

Enrique Villanueva is a Hypnotherapist, Contactee, Author.

At first denied - information given to him that echoed what Rahma group members were told - opened the door and allowed him to learn more and expand his own awareness. It was also the key to the contact that triggered his experience in the 4th Dimension. (Book description via Lulu: a dimension of light that co-exists with ours.)

This archived interview from 2012 is a favorite. I first saw Enrique featured on a Caretakers of the Earth video. Link. In the comments: "I found this really helpful to realize that "Contact" is not necessarily about a physical meeting, but more about a heart connection and a raising of consciousness that is a form of telepathy."

Enrique has an incredible contact story. None of it negative. He does say one of the biggest barriers is the fear we automatically experience and says that is why it is necessary for the ETs to control the contact experience. Fear is mitigated.

Books and Videos are in Spanish - Our focus in this interview is: I Lived 4 Days in the 4TH Dimension. Available Here. Lulu. And on Amazon.

Edited Bio: Author of various books and audio-books relative to the awakening of conscience and personal improvement, he is known in the English medium for his investigation of paranormal phenomena and particularly for his interest in the subject of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

2019 video interview - Link.
Enrique specializes in Anxiety intervention. 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriquevillanuevacht/

Mission Rahma. Link.
Documenting Alien Believers. Link.

Wendy's Blog. Link.
About Mission RAHMA Contact group. Link.