83 | How to rise up as an earthling of the light through human connection

Sep 02, 2022, 02:57 AM

Episode image
We may feel like we don’t belong here, we’re supposed to be somewhere else, that we aren’t home and we don’t really know why. Feelings like this come from our multidimensionality! 

This feeling of being at odds with our existence as a human and that we don’t belong here is something that is extremely present in humanity. 

✧ Am I a starseed?
✧ Am I an old soul?
✧ Why am I here?

Pretty much all of us that are here, embracing the awakening process, will feel like this.

In this transmission, I am sharing many keys with you on how to embrace being a human and how to connect with others deeply on a human level. I share how having connections to other star races and life forms isn’t always helpful, how we can become more ‘human’ and adore being the guardians of  our precious physical bodies.

Learn how you can rise up to be an earthling of the light, develop a sense of belonging on earth and be the human that you came here to be!


This episode covers:

  • Why I am sharing this transmission
  • Feeling at odds with being a human
  • How to deepen your connected to people around you
  • Grounding into my humanity
  • Is having connections to star races & alternative life forms actually helpful?
  • Being able to rise up as an earthling of the light
  • How my high council uses the honest story of my human to share wisdom

◊ Introducing The Golden Drop ◊

If you like to feel held and supported on your spiritual journey, feel more connected to your own sovereign multidimensionality and also feel connected to the ones around you, I would love to invite you to join me and my high council for my brand new membership, the Golden Drop. 

This membership is revolutionary because it is easy! It is crystalline and effortless. We use HeyDaily as a platform to share our content directly to your phone via text message. 

Each month I will channel the Arcturians for an energetic update for the  month plus send exclusive content directly to you every week.

When you’re on the go, you will receive a text message with a link to a new video or a little voice note from me. The link may take you to a guided audio meditation or a channeled light language activation. Simply leave the message unread until you have time to receive it!

Golden drops of high vibes are at the tip of your finger. 

Sign up now for FREE for a week. The contribution is $47 USD per month after that. Cancel at any time! https://hdly.me/cendrines


💫 Bonjour!
I am your host Cendrine, spiritual teacher ascension mentor, trance channel and the leader of the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry.

Together we will learn about the infinite quantum and galactic realms so we can embody more of our multidimensionality and accelerate our ascension.

We were born free, let’s reclaim our power within.

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