the binary gaze is toxic

Episode 21,   Aug 23, 2022, 10:07 PM

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sorry for the typos I'm hungover lolz
love you sm,
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This EP has been the hardest we have worked on. The research, the visuals, everything was son intense but so worth it. Similar to the Madonna-Whore Complex EP,  in this EP we exposed how the male gaze objectifies and sexualizes woman while also teaching men (in a very confusing way)  that they can get whatever they want by doing the bare minimum or being an "alpha" will get you that and more. The female gaze is nice when its from a queer, realistic perspective but it can also be toxic when its taken to an extent that woman are behaving like mythical creatures while performing their femininity. We are all humans with complex survival stories that should be used in media to portray humans as what they are not based on the gender and the stereotypes within your culture. This leads young humans to think that they aren't enough because they can't perform to perfection their femininity and masculinity as the world expects them to. You've been tough your entire life that you need to be liked or perceived by others to be worthy but in reality... the only gaze you should perform its for your own. your purpose of life will come when you feel. behave, dress, eat, love, LIVE, they way you want to. Don't let media trick you to think you are supposed to be something that you are not. You are perfect just the way you are. Keep up the great work on being authentic and genuine, everything will fall in its place. 
sorry for the typos I'm hungover lolz
love you sm, 
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