Stefan Bernstein of GreenRoc Mining: drilling programme at Amitsoq Graphite Project substantially extends deposit

Episode 845,   Aug 23, 2022, 08:01 AM

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Stefan Bernstein CEO of GreenRoc Mining #GROC discusses how the ongoing drilling programme at their Amitsoq Project, one of the highest-grade graphite deposits in the world, substantially extends the deposit.

Stefan Bernstein CEO of GreenRoc Mining #GROC discusses how the ongoing drilling programme at their Amitsoq Project, one of the highest-grade graphite deposits in the world, substantially extends the deposit.


· As of 14 August 2022, a total of nine holes have been completed for a total of 1,360m.

· All holes reached target depths and intersected the targeted graphite layers, thereby extending the deposit to the west by about 100m and to the northwest by about 150m, essentially doubling the deposit footprint.

· The deposit remains open towards the northwest, west and southwest.

· Several intersections are at least as good as those obtained in the 2021 Phase 1 drill programme, thus confirming the significant thickness of both the Upper Graphite Layer ("UGL") and Lower Graphite Layer ("LGL").

· To date, 16 intersections of UGL and LGL greater than 3.0m each have been drilled.

· All holes have at least one mineable graphite layer intersection greater than 5.25m.

· Visual inspection of the drill core suggests that the intersections are similar in ore grade to the Phase 1 results, which returned grades of up to 23.01% C(g) in the LGL and up to 19.83% C(g) in the UGL.

· Drilling remains ongoing, with the programme expected to conclude by the end of September.

· Drilling to date gives strong confidence that a higher-tonnage, higher-category Resource can be established ahead of a feasibility study.

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