Aug 18, 2022, 08:50 AM

Composition by Point/Call. 

"In researching the Kochs Adler Nähmaschnenwerke, ABC typewriter, I discovered it was an attempt by a German sewing machine manufacturer to diversify into a new, hopefully, lucrative new market in the mid-1950’s. This was also the time of the burgeoning Space-race and Cold war, respectively, two historical events attempting something different, a new mode and area of exploration and nations battling each other subversively in a new kind of war. Coincidentally, audio sampling technology and primitive drum machines were also being developed, allowing wildly inventive ways to alter sound.

"I kept all this in mind while composing a song that utilized the typewriter sound sample but also had a story behind it.

"I started with a drone synthesizer, creating an analog atmosphere for staccato leads to dance atop of, like the tap-tap-tapping of type-bars hitting paper. Drum machine sequencing further enhances the nature of typing mechanisms while adding an infectious bass line. Additionally, the typewriter sound sample was run through several step modulations to create syncopated whispering effects like so many Cold war secrets were passed along, as well as otherworldly space sounds phasing in and out, suggesting strange new discoveries on the horizon.

"Tumultuous events transpiring, all the while, the humble typewriter recording ideas and events, an unassuming witness to history."

This is part of the Obsolete Sounds project, the world’s biggest collection of disappearing sounds and sounds that have become extinct – remixed and reimagined to create a brand new form of listening. Explore the whole project at https://citiesandmemory.com/obsolete-sounds