AN 4.232 - 4.242 Deeds

Aug 17, 2022, 09:47 PM

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4.232-233 Karma that’s dark, bright, both, and neither.
4.234 A brahmin accuses the Buddha of being an annihilationist.
4.235 Karma that’s dark, bright, both, and neither, explained with the precepts.
4.236 Karma that’s dark, bright, both, and neither, explained with the grave violations and the paths of wholesome deeds.
4.237 Karma that’s dark, bright, both, and neither, explained with the noble eightfold path.
4.238 Karma that’s dark, bright, both, and neither, explained with the awakening factors.
4.239 Blameworthy or blameless deeds and view determine rebirth.
4.240 Hurtful or pleasing deeds and view determine rebirth.
4.241 Four kinds of ascetics found only in the Buddha’s teaching.
4.242 Relying on a good person brings four benefits.