"Seeing Squint" At The Edinburgh Fringe

Season 1, Episode 1290,   Aug 12, 2022, 08:48 AM

Teacher, author and former globetrotter, Fiona Scott-Barrett doesn't let partial-sightedness define her (except when it suits her). 

In 'Seeing Squint - Tales From A Partially Sighted Author' she reveals the confusion, embarrassments, and unexpected benefits of gradual sight loss through macular degeneration. 

Her show is coming up at the Edinburgh Fringe and our Robert Kirkwood spoke to to the author to find out what why it's worth a gander. 

Catch 'Seeing Squint' for free at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this coming Sunday 14th and Monday 15th of August 2022.  It starts at 12:10 PM each day at Revolution, 30a Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1HU.

Image shows the official festival logo. On a white background, a blue marker squiggle and atop it 'fringe' written in white. Above the word in smaller letters: 'The Edinburgh Festival' and bellow: 'Defying he norm since 1947'.