Toxic Migraines what to do when you have seen every expert!

Season 1, Episode 161,   Aug 16, 2022, 05:02 PM


Toxic Migraines, what are you to do when you think you have seen every expert? In today's episode we will discuss unusual Migraines that often go undiagnosed as they are out of the expertise that neurologists, internal medicine and Ear Nose and Throat specialists. When you have a pulsating, throbbing, vice like grip headaches we will discuss options that will have you pain and medication free in our patient stories. Listen Today and Subscribe.
Toxic Migraines are seen at our Medical Dental facility everyday, patients in tears that they have been told by the "experts" they will have to live in pain and not be able to live their lives except in a dark cold room. We are here to offer hope and encourage if you or you know of a loved one or friend who suffers from intractable migraines that doctors have not found relief for them, please contact us and call us. There are migraines, tension headaches, cluster headaches that are caused by the form and function

Toxic Migraines are seen at Meridian Medical Dental healthcare facility everyday, patients in tears that they have been told by the "experts" they will have to live in pain and not be able to live their lives except in a dark cold room.

We are here to offer hope and encourage if you or you know of a loved one or friend who suffers from intractable migraines that doctors have not found relief for them, please contact us and call us. There are migraines, tension headaches, cluster headaches that are caused by the form and function of your dental needs rather than just a medical diagnosis. On all our patient evaluations we offer 3 D imaging that takes under 10 minutes which helps us reach a diagnosis and determine if it is a medical dental problem. So many times new patients bring us CT's and MRI's that have not addressed the answers to their pain. We want to offer hope and will discuss today a few reasons why a medical only pathway may not be the answer in every case. As a pain management expert, we are blessed to be a part of Team Meridian, a Medical Dental Healthcare team that together finds solutions.
Listen today and we hope that you will come by and see us. Live far, no worries, as an international office we have digital solutions that can help you find the answers to your headache and health needs. We hope that you will subscribe on your favorite podcast platform and YouTube @everydayhealthhacker and YouTube channel Dr. Liza Leal
Follow us for updates @meridianhealthinstitute and @everydayhealthhacker as well as our famous nationally syndicated radio expert Mike Herzing @mikeherzing and @letstalkwheels.
Call us today at 281-265-6565 or text us at 281-265-6565 any time and any day of the week. We are here to be your resource for you, your family and friends medical and dental needs.