On the Fringe of Extinction | Heritage Crafts

Jul 28, 2022, 03:31 AM

Episode image
At Knole house in Kent, there’s an endangered red list species lurking amid the antique furniture.
After remaining at the property for hundreds of years, the house team are doing all they can to ensure its survival for the future.

Curator James Grasby unravels this story of heritage craft work as he finds out the lengths and efforts going into this item's survival.

Host: James Grasby
Producer: Claire Hickinbotham
Sound editor: Jesus Gomez

Discover more
For more information about Knole please visit: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/kent/knole

To find out more about Annabel Westman's book, Fringe, Frog and Tassel you can click here

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